Locked in the trunk of my car, again.

A blog about life, love and the smell that used to come from the trunk of my car, before it was stolen.

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Location: Montreal, Qc., Canada

28, single, comic book geek, that's me in a nut shell.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

666 mafia, Walk the line and the crack in my windshield.

Is it just me, or are the Oscar's actually getting interesting? Man, when the 666 mafia won i couldn't believe it. I'd never really heard of them, but Christ was i happy. The last few years i've only been watching the oscars for the off chance that someone unexpected will win, or make an ass of themselves or to be able to watch when the only 2 or 3 people who would be happy to win, win. The rest of the time the oscars is just like a big rap party for all movies and an excuse for the second key grip to put on something other then overalls and sit behind George Clooney. On the whole, i'd say that this year was fairly harmless. The highlights for me would have to be when the March of the Penguins people won for something or other. I don't know why but i got all chocked up for them, and then he started talking about Antarctica and shit like that, maybe i'm PMSing, but damn it i couldn't help but get all misty there. Actually that happened twice, the second time was when the South African movie won. Man i was so happy for that guy i got all misty again! Best part of the evening, hands down, was when 666 mafia won best song with "It's hard out here for a pimp". That was awesome. And even more awesomer is when Jon Stewart said "666 mafia -1 oscar, Martin Scorsese- 0 oscar".

I finally picked up Walk the Line this week. I don't know what it is with me, but i love movies about singers. The Doors, fucking awesome, What's love got to do with it?, shit, i watched that movie so much i broke the tape it was taped on, Ray, loved it, and now this, i've had the movie for 3 days and i've watched it 4 times. I love this movie. Can't get enough. I've been humming Cash for the last week now.

Since i'm too lazy to pick up some windshield washer fluid whenever i stop for gas, which is at least 2-3 times a week, i've been reduced to using the squigy whenever i think about cleaning my windows, which is not often. Yesterday, while using the squigy, i noticed a crack in my windshield. Well a cracklette maybe, or a ding, call it what you will, but it occured to me that the next time i hit a kid on a bike, i might not come out of it so lucky because of this crack. ... I never told you about the time i hit the kid on the bike? Fuck that he hit me. But, that's a story for another time.


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