Locked in the trunk of my car, again.

A blog about life, love and the smell that used to come from the trunk of my car, before it was stolen.

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Location: Montreal, Qc., Canada

28, single, comic book geek, that's me in a nut shell.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Yet another "fuck i'm old" moment

Sunday i decided to take a walk and rent some movies. Every time i go there Chubby Chaser asks me to check if Return of the living dead II is in, because it never is. So i went around, picked up Nightmare on Elm Street parts 2 and 3 ( "dreammmm Warriors!!!" sorry.), Lucky number Sleven and The Rocket. I get to the counter and ask the new guy behind said counter if he knows where ROTLD II is, since as usual, it's not on the shelf. Then all of a sudden he and I are flirtin, you know "oh you like zombie movies?" "did you hear about the Halloween remake by Rob Zombie" and all that jazz. So talk talk talk go back to the cash, i look into the glass counter and see the entire collection of "Les filles de Caleb" (tv show that aired on french TV back when Steinberg still existed...and if you don't know what Steinberg is that makes me REAL fuckin old), which i've seen there before, but never had the cash on me to pick it up. So now i'm faced with a dilemma. This guy is cute, and he's flirting with me... but this totally breaks the vibe i've created, since it's all bullshit anyway because i'm not getting ROTLD II for me, but for someone else. But this cute guy is into the fact that i'm into horror/Zombie movies, and i don't want to burst this little flirtin' bubble i had going, but damn it, i really wanted to pick up "les filles de Caleb". So he's talking to me and at this point i'm no longer listening, i'm just trying to figure out a way to not look like the big dork i am and still walk out the door with those DVDs. And this is the brilliance that i came up with : "you know what... i'm gonna pick this up for my Mom." MY MOM!!! urrrgh. So he looks at me and starts asking what the hell the dvd is and i'm forced to explain. Then he says "why is it that TV series are so expensive to buy in dvd?" Ah! a chance to redeem myself!! "I know, Battlestar Galactica, the second half of the season, was like 50$!" And, ladies and gentlemen, Annie's back in there like a dirty shirt.


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