Locked in the trunk of my car, again.

A blog about life, love and the smell that used to come from the trunk of my car, before it was stolen.

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Location: Montreal, Qc., Canada

28, single, comic book geek, that's me in a nut shell.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

The backup plan

On my way to work this morning my thoughts were all over the place. Thinking about work, and about my stats, and about possibly getting fired. For some reason i started thinking about Angela. She used to work here about 3 years ago, only woman i'd ever met who'd gotten a breast reduction. That has nothing to do with anything but rather an example of how my mind is wandering. Anyway.... So i'm thinking about Angela, and about how last time i'd seen her was right before she left our work, we'd gone to the paint-your-own-ceramics type place, and she was telling me about her new job and how i should really consider it. This morning, i did.

911 Operators...how do you really get that job? I'm on the phone all day. I deal with assholes who think i'm a machine and yell like it's going out of style all day long. My company tells me i get too involved with the customer and that perhaps i care too much about them. Well.. you know what, maybe i should be on the phone all day helping people who need help. The only part of my job that i actually do enjoy is when you KNOW you made a difference in that person's life that day, it would be nice to know that it's not just because of a 5$ credit.

So how do 911 operators get their jobs? Are they injured cops? What's the deal here? I found Canada911.com this morning and all my questions were answered. Looks like it's a 30 hour weekend course in laval, and only 200$. That is freaking sweet. They don't guarantee job placement, but i was told the teacher is well known in the sector and is often asked to recommend students for jobs. Next classes start in the fall and Annie's gonna be there.


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