Locked in the trunk of my car, again.

A blog about life, love and the smell that used to come from the trunk of my car, before it was stolen.

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Location: Montreal, Qc., Canada

28, single, comic book geek, that's me in a nut shell.

Monday, July 17, 2006

i'm not well

I do believe that i've met my bullshit limit. And by bullshit limit i mean i cannot, CANNOT sleep on the futon for one more night. Even though i have no choice to sleep on it for the next 4 nights. My back hurts, my shoulders hurt, my head, even my hair hurts right now. I'd give anything to be able to sleep in my bed tonight. Another thing that tells me that i'm not well is that around 3am, i started looking forward to going to work, that's how hot it was in my place yesterday...all i could think was "at least work is air-conditioned". Oh so sad.


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Free Hit Counter 'You will travel far, my little Kal-El. But we will never leave you... even in the face of our deaths... the richness of our lives shall be yours. All that I have, all that I've learned, everything I feel... all this, and more, I bequeath you, my son. You will carry me inside you all the days of your life. You will make my strength your own, and see my life through your own eyes, as your life will be seen through mine. The son becomes the father, and the father the son.' -- Jor-el