Locked in the trunk of my car, again.

A blog about life, love and the smell that used to come from the trunk of my car, before it was stolen.

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Location: Montreal, Qc., Canada

28, single, comic book geek, that's me in a nut shell.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Guilty until proven Innocent.

I guess it was lucky that i'd booked the day off last friday, this allowed me the time to truely get freaked out good and proper for my call from the Insurance guy. It lasted about an hour, an hour and 20 minutes. During the call, on many occasions he'd ask the same question he'd asked about 5 minutes earlier, obviously trying to catch me in a lie...a non existant lie. Towards the end of the interview things got weird. I've never had to have an interview with insurance people, and although i'm fairly sure that most of the call went the way it was supposed to the last few minutes completly threw me for a loop.

Insurance guy: Do you have any enemies?

Me: Not that i know of, no.

IG: Is anyone courting you at the moment that you've rejected?

and to this i couldn't help but giggle a little

IG: Why are you laughing ma'am?

Me: Well... it's just a little ridiculous isn't it? I mean come on.

IG: Actually no, it's not. I've had customers where that was the case and it was very serious.

Me: Well... aorry about laughing, it's just that, i guess for me, it seems a little ridiculous.

IG: So you're single by choice?

Me: By choice? Is anyone single by choice? Has anyone ever really said yes to that?

IG: Of course, some people just perfer to be single.

Me: oh....well.... no i guess i'm not single by choice....

And here's where it got weird...

IG: So, if a man were to come up to you on the bus, and started a conversation with you, and he was to your liking, this would be a good thing?

I swear to God i had no idea what to answer. Was he fucking with me here? I actually asked him "are you serious?", to which he responded and dead serious "yes". What was he trying to have me admit there? That i take the bus? That i'm a slutty-bus riding whore? What? This just seems like alot of trouble for my neon.


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