Locked in the trunk of my car, again.

A blog about life, love and the smell that used to come from the trunk of my car, before it was stolen.

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Location: Montreal, Qc., Canada

28, single, comic book geek, that's me in a nut shell.

Friday, May 26, 2006


The other day i walked into what will soon be my corner store (depanneur for all the quebec peeps) and good God damn did it smell like shit. Just burn-your-nose-hair awful. So i walk around the store, looking for some TP and noticed that it wasn't that bad at the back of the store... weird because nothing could rot or go bad up front, all there is is ice cream and how could that stink? So i walk to the cash and the kid who works there (doesn't speak much English or french) Looks at me and kinda makes a pee-yu face, the international symbol for What stinks? and i say "yeah, it smells like shit in here" and just as the words are coming out of my mouth i kinda looked over my shoulder and spotted it. The Slushy machine right behind me had caught fire. So i turn to the dude behind the cash and say "Dude!! the slushy machine is on fire!" and he kinda looks past me and then runs to the machine and unplugs it. FYI, unplugging a machine will not turn off fire. So he walks back to the cash and starts scanning my items. I look at him and then the customer standing beside me "no no honey, go get a fire extinguisher right now" so he runs to the back and room and as he does this i turn again to the 2 customers standing beside me and could not understand why no one else was even the slightest bit alarmed. Have we become so desensitized to every thing that even fire doesn't phase us?? So again i say "THE SLUSHY MACHINE IS ON FIRE PEOPLE!!" nothing. blank stares. "LA MACHINE EST EN FEU!!!" finally someone reacts. Can you believe that shit? FIRE!! nothing. FEU!! and now i get a some action, go figure in this province. So the older dude standing next to me rips open a case of beer, opens one and puts out the fire just as the asian kid comes around the corner with a bucket of water. A bucket of water. No fire extinguisher. So everything is ok, but now the kid has to call Angie, the owner of the store, and try to explain to her, in Chinese, that the Slushy machine just caught fire. That is the craziest thing i've witnessed in quite some time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a great site, how do you build such a cool site, its excellent.

Saturday, July 22, 2006 7:11:00 AM  

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