Locked in the trunk of my car, again.

A blog about life, love and the smell that used to come from the trunk of my car, before it was stolen.

My Photo
Location: Montreal, Qc., Canada

28, single, comic book geek, that's me in a nut shell.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Wasn't it b-e-a-u-tiful yesterday??? holy crap! I woke up all curled up in bed, a little cold but at least not sweating. Went into my living room and curled up on the sofa with a blanky and watched Joe vs. The Volcano and When Harry met Sally. I had myself a very girly morning. The boys came over in the afternoon and chilled. And we really didn't do much, watched Romancing the Stone and that's about it. But you know what, days like yesterday are few and far between and I enjoyed myself.

Saturday night was another story. Marc is really getting on my last nerve. I invited him over Friday night, told him we'd play VS. I told him to come after supper, around 8ish, he showed up at 7pm. So now i'm sitting in my living room with him and Gen, thinking god damn it, this is my place i should have some control no? But i don't have any and now Gen is here and this is not the way i wanted my afternoon to go. Ok, so he didn't do anything at this point but i was still annoyed and things only got worst.

So about 3 minutes after Gen leaves he gets up and says "well, wonder what's new in the bedroom (not YOUR bedroom, THE bedroom) it's time for my inspection" INSPECTION? EXCUSE ME? HELL NO. So at this point i'm so pissed that i'm speechless and i don't say anything. The guys come over, we played one game of VS, which i was not at all paying attention too, I then got up and went to chill on the front porch, thinking i'll just got smoke a joint alone and stay calm. No such luck. Of course when Marc saw Trevor and I going outside he followed. That's another thing that's really pissing me off. I'll smoke Chubby Chaser, I'll smoke Trevor, of i'll smoke Gen, but this kid is NOT my problem. But the last 4-5 times i've seen him i've smoked him and i'm very annoyed. I am not a cash cow. This kid needs to understand this PRONTO. Plus he's the worst toker in the free world. When someone smokes me it's "toke toke pass" Isn't that the unwriten toking law?? I believe it is. When smoking in a cypher ALWAYS toke toke pass. But this kid "toke toke toke toke TALK (what the fuck?!?!) toke toke pass" NOT ACCEPTABLE.

So towards the end of the evening, i'm thinking of anything to get this kid to leave, but i'm still not at the point where i'm willing to tell him to fuck off and leave, because i see him at the comic book store and i'm not about to ruin the atmostphere where i hang out. Serves me right for shitting where i eat. So at the end of the night, i dawns on me that i should flirt as much as possible with Trevor and then maybe he'd think something was going on and leave us. Well, that did not work at all. We were lying down on the porch, he came to join us, at one point i decided fuck it i'm just gonna lie down on my bed, maybe then he'll get it. Trevor was next to me and says to Marc "come sit with us" And at the exact moment where Marc's ass touched my bed, Trevor says "Well i'm outta here" and HE TAKES OFF!!! well now Annie was really not happy. It took me 45 minutes to get this fucker to leave and when i finally got him to the door i say "well, sorry tonight was uneventful" and he answers "it's ok, not every night can be exciting" And i'm thinking motherfucker! you cost me 20$ tonight and i didn't even leave HOME how fucking much would it cost me if it were an eventful night?!?! Well, you know what? Annie's not gonna find out.

Stan Lee's mafia days

Chubby Chaser: ...Well you know why Marvel was in such financial trouble in the '90s don't you?

Me: Why?

CC: Because of Stan Lee's involvement in the mafia.

Me: What?

CC: Stan Lee, he was involved in the mafia in the '90s.

Me: Shut up, he was not.

CC: I'm telling you he was.

Me: Get the hell outta here. Stan Lee was not involved with the mafia. Where did you hear that?

CC: Well, it's this rumor i heard.

Me: Who? Who did you hear that from? Who?

CC: Well....Trevor and I were talking earlier and...

Me: Wait. You and your brother made up this rumor?

CC: My sources are credible.

Friday, July 28, 2006


ok, i suppose "fuck Batman" is a little harsh. So for The Chocolat Wonder i'll take it back, but only because he's dead sexy and I don't want him angry when I invite him to bed...or maybe i do... so yeah Fuck Batman.

The Green Arrow comes to Smallville!!!

More Spoilers for your Friday morning my peeps! Oh yes Annie's very happy about this one. Ollie is my favorite no-powers-havin' superhero. Fuck Batman says I! It's all about Oliver Queen baby! It takes a special kind of man to pull off a mustache of that calibur. Burt Reynolds calibur even. He's awesome. Always checkin' out the ladies, sayin' stuff like crap and hell continuously, love it. Kryptonsite and the Superman Homepage have announced that the dude (justin Hartley) who was supposed to be Arthur Cury (Aquaman) in the now defunked series called Mercy Reef, is going to take on the role of Ollie for at least 7 episodes!!! He's gonna be Lois's love interest, which is awesome. I mean Ollie totally flirts with everyone in the comics i love that he's gonna give it a shot with Lois, it's gonna make Clark jealous and that's awesome too. It's too early for them (Lois and Clark) to get together, but it's never too early to let some feelings bubble to the surface. I'm wondering if they're going to give him a Carey Elwes baby mustache like in the Princess Bride....

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Un-Annie like behavior

Last night i decided i should un-pack my pots and pans and also my crystal. Yes Annie has crystal, What? Hey sometimes it's nice to be fancy. Anyway, so i'm un-packing and think "i should probably wash these before putting them away". And so, even though washing the dishes wasn't really necessary, i washed everything. And i did all this while listening to a classical radio station. Even though it seems i'm growing up, i should mention that the last thing i drank out of the crystral was Vodka and cherry Cool-aid.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Too old for Hi5

That's right folks, Annie is too old for shit like Hi5. I got a request from my cousin to join, so i did and the only enjoyable thing about that is that my comic-19-year-old-cutie is on Hi5 and already ask me to be a Friend or something to that effect. Other then that i have no other use for this site. It seems to be a place where people can view other people's racy but non-explicit pics. You know what, that's what internet porn is for. I don't need to be looking threw all these pictures of people that i may or may not want to meet and have to post a picture of myself for others who may or may not want to meet me. Fuck that man. Maybe it's just because i'm use to blogger, i don't know, but Hi5 doesn't seem like it's for me.

Monday, July 24, 2006

tobasco sauce : the white man's weapon of choice.

Dave Chappelle was right. You do not want to fall asleep around white people. Specialy if you're relatively new to the group of white people. You fall asleep first, prepare to be fucked with, that's a given.

First let me say this, Marc is a good guy, but he's 22. Now "so what, he's 22?" at least he's not 19 right? When Gen first met him she started calling him "the kid", and now i'm doing it to. At first i didn't really notice the age thing... but hanging out this weekend, well it showed. He came over to my place friday night, hung out and since he lives literaly 3 streets away i told him "i'm going to bed, if you leave lock the door, if not i'll see ya tomorrow morning." And so the next day i woke up to find Marc on my sofa, in his underwear. There's only 2 places i've ever taken off my pants and that's at Chubby Chaser's place and Mase's place, and i've known these people for like 10 years! But this guy was in his tidy-whitey's on my sofa. So i grabbed a comic and went back to bed. About 15 minutes later he walks into my bedroom wrapped in a blanket, apparently still not wearing pants. Now... if this had been a guy i was interrested in i would have been all over this, but shit no. This just really made me feel old. It was like "come over here honey while aunty Annie reads you a story", pretty creepy.

After a few saturday morning cartoons, CC and Trevor came upstairs and we all had breakfast. A little later on Mase came over too. And so, the first ever session or cards-o-rama was held in my brand new appartment. Beer was spilled, Mase threw up and went to the bathroom with the door open, so now it feels like home.

Around 8pm, Marc passed out. Passed out cold. I've never seen anyone sleep hard like this. At this point it was just Mase and I playing crib... and i must say this, when Mase and I get together... i don't know if we bring out the worst in each other, or perhaps just the 5 year old in each other, because at this point i turned to him "ok, well now we have to fuck with him, we don't have a choice" So Mase ran downstairs to get the tobasco sauce.

First i dabbed a little on his lips. Mase was not satisfied since Marc did not wake up. So, obvioulsy he went back in and put more on. The thing is, when we did this to Chubby Chaser he woke almost instintaneously. Marc = nothing. So about 5 minutes later, we were starting to get impatient, and Marc turned his head in his sleep so that his mouth was open and tilted upwards. Well... that was too good to be true. And so, Mase didn't dab the tobasco, but poured it in. And can you believe that he still wasn't waking up!?! Fed up with waiting, Mase smacked him on the leg and that did the trick.

For the next 20 minutes or so, Mase and I watched as Marc paced from kitchen to bathroom, wiping his watering eyes with his t-shirt and sticking his head under the tap. It was only after doing this for 20 minutes and not being able to smoke the joint I offered, that he finally turned to us and said "ok. What did you guys do? MY MOUTH IS ON FIRE!!!" Took him 20 minutes to ask. 20.

I don't see Mase much anymore, but goddamn it do i have stupid 5 year old fun when i do... thank god i'm not a grown up yet.

Friday, July 21, 2006

The movers are at my place right now. I'm still at work. Fuck I did not plan this well.

I'm moving, so of course it's fucking raining.

So last night Zeus opened up the heavens and unleashed upon us torrential rains, thunder, lightning, the whole nine yards. It really was impressive. I don't remember the last time i'd seen rain like that... no... hold that thought, last Saturday, big rain day also. Actually come to think about it last Saturday was pretty bad, specialy since i crossed the Mercier during all that shit... and answer me this : if a bridge is kinda pointy in the middle, that pretty much means that it's a giant inverted V...so isn't it logical to assume that when rain is falling by the gallons onto this giant inverted V that it should slide down to either side of said inverted V and accumulate there. But oh no. Apparently water accumulation happens on every inch of the mercier bridge and my car had become one of those hydroplaning things that people use in the bayou. It was scary.

So anyway, i wasn't surprised to wake up to the sky falling last night, i mean, it's typical, all my shit is moving today so OF COURSE it's gonna rain and rain and rain. At least i'm not the one who has to move everything in the rain. If i were, i'd be crying right now.

All this change really is messing with me though. It's good, i mean i know all this is the very best thing for me, but i've been having panick attacks the last few nights. Sometimes i think it's just because i've got nothing in the appartment and that's what's freaking me out. But you know what ? I think it's the opposite... something tells me that somewhere inside me i sort of wish i could start at zero... of course then the brain kicks in and says "are you fucking stupid, you need somewhere to parc your ass." And of course i want my bed, but still... I'm a creature of habit and i've already gotten used to living out of my bedroom. The kitchen and living room are like foreign countries to me right now. There's a fucking echo it's so empty. But on the plus side the cat can't hide from me anywhere. And i've gotten used to this. Perhaps i'm freaked out because half the stuff that's arriving today is coming from my mom and i don't really have a solid idea in my head of how things are going to look, it's furniture Russian roulette.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


Should we believe everything we read on the internet? Is it possible that a Star Trek pre-quel is in the works? And that the Shatner has given his blessing to MATT DAMON? WHAT?!?!?!? it would appear so.

8 years isn't that much, is it?

Look at me trying to convince myself that my crush on my 19 year old comic cutie isn't totally wrong. Ok he's legal and everything, but still...8 years, that's an entire 8 year old being... i could totally have an 8 year old. Holy shit. That just occured to me. I'm old enough to have an 8 year old. And i wouldn't even have been a teenage mother... 19 isn't teenage anymore is it? Holy crap that's scary. But i can't help myself. He wrote me an email yesterday and i'm all giddy and shit. Last time I saw him at the store i really felt the 19 if you know what i mean. Sure the teenage brooding moody thing is cute and all, but after a while trying to talk to someone like that is like pulling teeth. But still, he's a cutie and i'm happy he wrote to me... it should be interresting he's supposed to be coming to tomorrow's happy hour recruitment fiesta.

One fan makes all the difference

It really does. I didn't sleep like a baby but at least i slept, and that's saying something. Only 3 more sleeps until i get my bed...i should maybe try to get a coutdown clock for this.

Monday, July 17, 2006

The simple joys of living on your own.

I don't think that it's fully dawned on me that this is it, i'm on my own and this is my place.... i guess because i don't have a shower curtain yet... something about being able to shower in your own place makes it your own. But i did get an idea at how it's going to feel like once i really get all settled in, i got my glimpse last friday.

I was chillin' at the comic book store with Joey (owner), Trevor, Marc and Tony Kill (Tony buys lot's of horror comics (friday the 13th...) that's why we call him Tony Kill). We were playing a new game i had picked up, Zombies!!!. Around 7h30ish, Trevor decided to head over to Chubby Chasers. That right there is freedom that i haven't had in the last 4 years. Not having to worry about how everyone is getting home is... well...the best feeling ever. So he left but i stayed the extra 30 minutes until closing... at which time i was able to ask and offer something that i've haven't been able to do in years, and it felt so good i could have cried in the car. "What are you guys up to? I don't live far, you guys wanna come back to my place?" And they did and it was great. I mean nothing special, we just played Zombies and watched family guy, but goddamn it we were in my house, my place. It was awesome.

more proof that it's too hot

I took a nap after supper yesterday (wasn't feeling good) and when i woke up about 1h30 later i realized that all my change that i had in my pocket was now stuck on my belly. About 6$ in change.

i'm not well

I do believe that i've met my bullshit limit. And by bullshit limit i mean i cannot, CANNOT sleep on the futon for one more night. Even though i have no choice to sleep on it for the next 4 nights. My back hurts, my shoulders hurt, my head, even my hair hurts right now. I'd give anything to be able to sleep in my bed tonight. Another thing that tells me that i'm not well is that around 3am, i started looking forward to going to work, that's how hot it was in my place yesterday...all i could think was "at least work is air-conditioned". Oh so sad.

Friday, July 14, 2006

new countdown at the bottom of the screen people

Drunk? You're hired!

They passed out these invitations at work. Get this : they are throwing a happy hour recruitment evening. I'll write that again for those who didn't catch that : a happy hour recruitment evening. The invitation reads :"Bring your CV and your winning attitude and join us for cocktails and hors-d'oeuvres". Well... any more doubts as to why i'm wanting to leave this place?

Thursday, July 13, 2006

It's a love/hate thing

News on the J-O-B front for my peeps on this glorious thursday morning. I have a little less then a month to complete my ass kissing extravaganza, and the reward? I get to keep my crap ass job. So far, in all honesty, things are ok. I have a meeting with my team manager once a week in which she kisses my ass and tells me i really shouldn't worry about all this. Because i'm sure she wouldn't be worried if i told her that she might loose her job in a month, but you know, don't stress about it or nothing. So on the one hand, i'm told to watch my back, things are on shaky ground. On the other, i'm getting my ass kissed by my boss. And, to top it all off, this morning i received an automated email congratulating me on my upcoming 5 year anniversary of service, and that i should visit a certain website to chose my gift. So, if i haven't lost my job by then, i get to chose from the following craptaculous gifts! I get to pick between a silver ring with my company logo on it (gag me), a fake pearl necklace/earring set, a silver mug with the company logo, a swiss army knife, a crystal bud vase(?!), and finally, and i do believe this is what i'm going to go with, a Frosted Seaglass Inukshuk Scultpure on a Jade Base. It's the weirdest thing onthe list therefore it must be mine.

(tried to upload to pics but apparently blogger does not want to post the crappy gifts)

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

The Smallville Spoilers are back!!

Is it possible that summer is already winding down? Coming to an end? ALREADY? Well, it would appear so since the good folks over at www.kryptonsite.com have started posting spoilers once again. What's to come in season 6? Well the title for episode 1 is ZOD, so that's pretty much self explanitory i think. A new cast member will be added this year, Aaron Ashmore (brother of Shawn Ashmore (X-men's Iceman). Who will Ashmore be playing? None other then Chloe's first time partner : Jimmy Olsen! Ok Ok, i know Jimmy isn't supposed to be the same age as Clark, but whatever, that really doesn't bother me. Apparently this season will be about the turn to the dark side. Lex is getting to be the baddie we all want him to be and even Martha will have to make decisions concerning her relationship with Lionel. As for Clark, how has the Phantom Zone affect him? We shall see starting September 21 2006.

FYI : Season 5 comes out on DVD on September 12th 2006.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Year One

I thought i should put it out there that i've been blogging for a year now. I'm amazed i haven't grown tired of this yet....

watch this be my last entry lol

You have to appreciate the little things in life. It took me 20 minutes to get to work this morning. No traffic. No bridge. Nothing. Life is finally going to start to be ok. How the hell did I do that for almost 4 years? Beats the shit out of me. It's amazing how fast you can get used to things like that. Sure i'm sleeping on the floor. Sure my body was so used to the constant insane central airconditioning and i've had a cold for the last 2 weeks, but you know what, i could not be happier.

I do have to be honest and say that i would have gladly whored myself out for a cold glass of water on Sunday night (i have no fridge yet), but it's still not that bad. I mean how many truly hot days can we have? 3? 4 in a row? I figure another day or two and things should cool off. A few more thunder storms like the one we had yesterday and all that humidity won't be a problem anymore.

Oy (the cat) isn't taking the adjusment from insane cold to the current living situation. He's been sitting in the bathtub since last friday when i brought him home. It's either because of the heat or because i traumatized him when i tried to give him a bath on Saturday. That, by the way, was not a good idea. See Oy doesn't have "good fur". Paws had "good fur". What the hell is "good fur" as opposed to "bad fur"? "Good fur" is fur that does not clump, even in shedding season. Paws was also a good groomer. Oy is not. I guess maybe because Paws did the grooming when he was alive and i guess Oy never felt the need to do it himself. In any case, Oy is very clumpy. And you can't even brush that shit out cuz he won't stande around long enough for me to make any kind of improvement. So Chubby Chaser suggested i give him a bath... which didn't seem like a bad idea. So i set myself up at the kitchen sink and did my very best...it was not good enough. So the clumps quadrupled. And at this point i had no other choice but to just cut the clumps off. So now Oy has a the reverse mo-hawk and it's so not cool. But it's fur, it'll grow back eventually...i hope.

Monday, July 10, 2006

i'm back baby!! (warning Superman Returns spoilers!!)

Holy shit is coming back to work hard. Fuck me. But, i suppose it had to be done.

So what's new with Annie? Not much of anything really. Moved into my new place, brought my cat home over the weekend, gave him a reverse Mo-hawk (for those wondering, i tried to give him a bath, which only made the fur-clumping problem worst, which gave me no other choice but to cut most of the clumps off... which has given him a pretty bad look. And by bad i don't mean bad ass, but truely crappy.

I've seen Superman only 3 times so far, but i'm sure that number will go up as soon as i'm all settled in. But let me say this : This movie has renewed my faith in the comic book gendre of movie. Everything is going to be ok now, because we know that there is one director out there who fucking GETS IT RIGHT. Bryan Singer is a comic book movie god. Honestly, i've never been as excited to see a movie in my life. At the premiere, my hands were clasped to together in pseudo-prayer the entire lenght of the film. I loved everything about it. Loved Brandon Routh, Loved Kevin Spacey, Loved that kid who plays Jason, hell even Cyclops was ok! Favorite scenes :

1) Opening Title sequence.
Goose bumps the entire time. I truely felt like i was back in the '80s, but in a good way. I'm 27 years old, so this was my first Superman movie in theaters, Singer made me feel like that didn't matter, like i was there for the sequel and that's just as good.

2) Jason figures out Clark is Superman.
Oh man. I can't even explain how much i loved that scene. It's classic, poor kid figures it out and takes a drag from his inhaller.

3)Clark and Lois in the crowded elevator.
Ok, before actually having seen the movie that was the big question for me. Sure he looks good in the tights, but can he be a dork? Can he pull off Clark? I got my answer in that scene.

4)"After all flying is statisticaly the safest way to travel"
When he says this after saving the plane Lois was on, the crowded in the theater could not be contained. I thought "ok, that's it, this is a fucking classic"

5)Lex figures out who Jason's father is.
Greatest criminal mastermind of our time? HELL YES.

SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6)Superman's speech to Jason.
I saw it 3 times and cried like a baby all 3 times. I'm sure the fans will be divided over this. But my opinion? You know what? Superman deserves to have a family. I've always thought that they should have gone that way in the beginning, why else would they have gotten it on?? But Margot Kidder lost her mind, and i suppose Lois took a back seat to Nuclear bombs and villains in need of a manicure. Superman has been around for the better part of a century, he's had girlfriends, a fiancé, a wife, and god damn it, he deserves, hell, we deserve to see him have something to hold onto, something that's his. Jason is the door that needed to be opened. Thank you Bryan Singer, for having the balls to do what should have been done years ago.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Remember when you were young? You shone like the sun

Sad news today.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Vacation Interrupted

Being on vacation is like no other feeling on earth. Being able to have your body-clock determine when you should wake up is perhaps the best thing ever, second to sex and winning at anything. I've been off since the 23rd and was denied one day this week (today) and given the rest of this week off. Go figure.

So many things to talk about... I'll put it out there in point form so that once back from vacation i'll be able to expand on these topics.

1) Superman Returns is THE BEST MOVIE EVER. I've seen it 3 times, and i'm gonna see it again that's fo' cho.

2) Moving, although being a neccessary means to an end, is god awful.

3) We've had "meet my new girlfriend" day, and I have no opinion either way on this new person. Matt is once again dating a "no-talker". Or perhaps it's just that he's invited us to meet her in a place where talking is virtually not possible. Point is, no opinion.

4) I've made an awesome fast-friend, his name is Marc.

5) The Chocolate Wonder went to see Madonna and apparently made eye-contact for a FULL SECOND!! He says the exorbitant amount of money he paid for the ticket was well worth it.

For today's post i'd like to expand on point #4.

I met Marc at the Comic book store about a year ago. He was a nice guy, kinda quiet, and the only other person i've met that plays with VS cards. Couple weeks ago i ran into him outside the store and he was smoking a doob "a kindred spirit says I". So since then he's been coming over to Chubby Chaser's place to play cards. For my birthday he gave me a Superman 20/20 card, which might seem stupid to most, but it really really made me happy. You shouldn't expect anything from anyone. If you've read the comments in the previous post, apparently you can't expect anyone to be there for your (my) birthday, and that's fine with me, but isn't great when out of nowhere, a guy that you hardly even know makes you feel like someone cares about you. Someone does give a shit, it's not who you thought would give a shit, but who cares really? This guy called me on my birthday, came over, tripped out with me, then on my moving day he dropped by again, my first visitor :) He stayed with me until 4am that night. Ok, so he's 22 and might have a crush on me, and i'd fucking crush him like a toothpick he's so skinny, we he did leave at 4am, he didn't try to kiss me or anything, but i'll tell you a secret, i kinda wish he had. I haven't been kissed goodbye in years.

Free Web Counter
Free Hit Counter 'You will travel far, my little Kal-El. But we will never leave you... even in the face of our deaths... the richness of our lives shall be yours. All that I have, all that I've learned, everything I feel... all this, and more, I bequeath you, my son. You will carry me inside you all the days of your life. You will make my strength your own, and see my life through your own eyes, as your life will be seen through mine. The son becomes the father, and the father the son.' -- Jor-el